"Cultivating Holy Beauty taught me the skills to fight depression and anxiety and actually win in the moment! When the overwhelming thoughts and sweaty palms start, I know exactly what to do! Thank you, Lord! And thank you Jessie, for your obedience to the One who saves, sets free, and delivers!"
— Amy, Age 27
Spokane, WA
What is Cultivating Holy Beauty?
Cultivating Holy Beauty, written by Jessica Sky North, is a discipleship curriculum designed to help women become disciples of Jesus Christ, plain and simple! This ministry helps women thrive by discovering their true identity and value in Jesus Christ, based on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. We believe that when a woman finds her identity in Christ, everything else—identity, marriage, motherhood, life in general—begins to fall into place!
Cultivating Holy Beauty is designed to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), by teaching women how to love God with their whole heart, soul, and mind. This unique curriculum teaches women how to think on God’s Word with purpose allowing it to become heart-knowledge instead of just head-knowledge, so they can learn to truly love God with all they have!
We understand that due to life seasons and circumstances, not all women will have time to join a group. For that reason, it's important to mention that this course can be used in a group setting and individuals.

Why Choose Cultivating Holy Beauty?
Purposeful study of God’s Word is how we initiate intimacy with Jesus, but understanding the how and why of His truths will rewrite our hearts. Cultivating Holy Beauty disciples women through this courtship while equipping them with the skills to go and teach other women to do the same.
Each book has a Leader's Guide for each lesson, so the group leader has the same book as the participants. Discipleship is something Jesus commanded all believers to be a part of. Cultivating Holy Beauty helps women fulfill the Great Commission!
Books 1 thru 3 of Cultivating Holy Beauty are foundational to strengthening our vertical relationship with God and cleaning out the wounds that have kept us from claiming love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The Women's Discipleship Curriculum
Previews are available for each book by clicking the images below:
Intimacy With Jesus
Vessel of Honor
Letting the Healer Heal
Walking In the New
Why Choose Cultivating Holy Beauty?
Purposeful study of God’s Word is how we initiate intimacy with Jesus, but understanding the how and why of His truths will rewrite our hearts. Cultivating Holy Beauty disciples women through this courtship while equipping them with the skills to go and teach other women to do the same.
Each book has a Leader's Guide for each lesson, so the group leader has the same book as the participants. Discipleship is something Jesus commanded all believers to be a part of. Cultivating Holy Beauty helps women fulfill the Great Commission!
The skills taught in Cultivating Holy Beauty are foundational to strengthening your vertical relationship with God and cleaning out the wounds that keep us from claiming love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in hard times.

"After a long battle with addiction for over half my life, 'Cultivating Holy Beauty' helped me learn to hear the voice of God and trust my ability to do so. To be truly healed, set free, and delivered is truly an amazing thing! Thank you, Jessie, for writing 'Cultivating Holy Beauty' and for your obedience to the Lord!"
—Nicole, Age 43
"I had barely scratched the surface of lesson one in 'Cultivating Holy Beauty's' Vessel of Honor, and I was in tears with conviction! I thank the Lord for your diligence and passion for His Truth!"
—Laura, Age 50

"'Cultivating Holy Beauty' is not like any study. It's more like 'this is how you learn to abide with the Lord.' It replaces the desire for the thrill of another Bible Study with the yearning for time with the King of my heart."
—Kristle, Age 45
"'Don't be afraid; just believe.' (Mark 5:26) The Lord has taken me deeper and closer to Himself than I could ever imagine. Praise Him!
—Kathy, Age 70
"The words of the Bible are now forever engraved on my heart. Cultivating Holy Beauty gave me the necessary tools to understand them, to allow them to change me. I often wonder if I would truly know Jesus if it were not for 'Cultivating Holy Beauty'."
—Natale, Age 23
"I will forever cherish the relationship with Jesus that 'Cultivating Holy Beauty' birthed out of me and many women around me! I now have the tools to fruitfully make disciples with a heart of complete surrender!"
—Anna, Age 32
"'Cultivating Holy Beauty' was the alarm clock to my sleeping heart. It teaches you how to dig into the Word for yourself and listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Instead of looking for another Bible study, I now study my Bible!"
—Misty, Age 42
"Through 'Cultivating Holy Beauty' Jesus is showing me who I am and how my identity can be in Him. And I have totally changed how I view things and how I respond to my husband and children through learning how to have intimacy with Jesus! I'm quick to pray before I speak in hard situations."
—Amber Age 38

To know Jesus and be known by Him, intimately. Cultivating Holy Beauty is designed to help the Bride of Christ learn how to love and receive the love of Jesus, deeply. When we find our identity in Christ, words like "worthless" change to "priceless."
- Matthew 22:36-38 -
To accept the redemption only Jesus can give. When you learn to trust Jesus with your sin - His goodness becomes undeniable - then you can believe and receive His forgiveness.
- Isaiah 61:1-3 -
The purpose of the great commission is to exalt the LORD and bring His Bride into everlasting freedom by teaching how to show her love for Jesus by obeying His commands.
- Matthew 28:16-20 -

Elevate Not Replace
"Cultivating Holy Beauty was designed to ELEVATE the Body of Christ by helping women find their identity in Jesus, based on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit."
Jessica Sky North
Author of Cultivating Holy Beauty

What Training Do We Offer?
Discipleship isn’t complicated... it’s also not always easy!
Cultivating Holy Beauty is designed to elevate the body of Christ by teaching women how to become disciples of Jesus.
By firmly establishing a relationship with Jesus, we then step into the purpose God created us for, loving Him and others thru a relationship with Him, our marriages, motherhood, and ministry.
We understand that discipleship is often new territory for many! To help with that
We offer training via phone, zoom, in-person training events, training videos, and the CHB APP!
If you have any questions about Cultivating Holy Beauty, please email us at
Get in Touch
Are you ready to deepen your walk with Jesus?
We'd love to walk alongside you.
Email us at hello@cultivatingholybeauty.com
or fill out the below form to learn more.