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- BOOK 4 -

Vessel of Honor

—Character Trumps Gifting— 
Learn how to increase your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and how to become the kind of worshiper God is looking for!
(Matthew 25:1-13; John 4:23-24)

Cultivating Holy Beauty Vessel Of Love Book Cover

Book 4: Vessel of Honor

We empty ourselves to be filled anew. As heart wounds begin to heal and we are cleaned out from the infections caused by sin, we prepare fertile soil for God’s truth to take root.


Book 4: Vessel of Honor rallies around God’s promises of who we are to Him and affirms our identity in Him. As you journey through "Vessel of Honor" you will get a greater understanding of why it is vital for Christians to have godly-character, the importance of becoming increasingly sensitive and yielded to the Holy Spirit, and what it means to be "the kind of worshiper God is looking for!" (John 4:23-24)

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